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Grey Squirrels. 

Grey Squirrels. They are now very common and widespread. Imported here to the UK from 1890 onwards. They spread rapidly across the UK due to their ability to cope with new landscapes. Different populations of grey squirrels were thought to have inter-bred into a 'super squirrel' that was able to be very adapt and spread. Like other rodents they to have ever growing front incisors, upper and lower, so they also have to continually chew and gnaw to keep them in check. If they did not do this, they would grow and fuse together causing starvation. Out in the woodlands and parks they are generally seen as cute with their fluffy tails. Not so when they invade your property and set up home for their next batch of kittens. As said previously they have to chew, this chewing and gnawing is usually done to wooden beams and boarding, insulation material, electrical cables and pipework. Putting the property and who ever is inside at serious risk of a fire starting. Then there is the diseases they carry that are extremely harmful to humans. Remember no rodent has to bite or scratch you to expose you to the diseases they carry. Leptospirosis. This is transmitted when animal urine comes into contact with open wounds, scratches, bites etc. Lyme disease, salmonellosis, tularemia and rabies a few. 

Within homes, they set up in wall cavities, ceilings, and lofts. Grey squirrels tend to breed in between January and April. If food is plentiful, they may have a 2nd litter in the summer. Some rodents wont favor reusing previous nests or areas. Squirrels are different they will have no problems at all to return to previous nests they've built and reuse it. So ignoring the issue this time will only encourage future problems. Your usually alerted to something a miss, by the amount of noise they create. They are very noisy squatters, even more so once the young start to investigate their surroundings. With 3-7 kittens per litter it can get pretty noisy up there. Because grey squirrels are an invasive pest species, its against the law to re-release a grey squirrel if its been caught alive, 'wildlife and countryside act 1981 and 'Invasive Alien Species Order 2019'. That basically means any person who catches a grey squirrel alive is legally obliged to humanely dispatch it. Its important to contact a qualified pest control company like us, we can arrange a treatment plan to suit your circumstances, and fully guarantee to rid you of your grey squirrel problem, quickly and efficiently. We have a fixed price on grey squirrel removal domestically. We also offer the service for commercial properties. For more information on grey squirrel removal, please don't hesitate to contact Alison on 07746307885. We are always happy to help any way we can.


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